The Perfect Christmas Tree
Our humble tree will be erected in the next week or two, and that will be the start of the Christmas season in the Edwards house. It wont be a perfect tree, let me give you the hint. This year it will have homemade decorations, Jimmy Neutron on his spaceship, and a star made from scrap paper and masking tape. Any resemblance between it and what Centro Galleria do, will be purely coincidental. But it will be our family tree, and that’s what matters.
Can I encourage you that in the midst of Christmas, remember what is most important, your family, friends and your Lord Jesus. He is the one who decided to come to a less than perfect world, to a grubby stable, because He cares. Don’t let your family miss the true wonder of Christmas.
Also, keep in mind that Christmas isn't always a joyous occasion for everyone. Some people will be haunted by loss, having no family, personal tragedy, not having the extra money to buy gifts for their family and other things. If you've ever made it through something like that yourself, remember that God wants us to encourage those who suffer at Christmas time, as it reminds them of what they don't have. Even if you haven't suffered a specific loss, you can still offer encouragement to others by sharing Christ.
Gary Ablett talks frankly about his demons
Thursday, November 29, 2007 {3 comments}
Gary Ablett (senior) tells his story, and his battle with his problems.
"I have battled with bouts of depression right throughout my life and it got to a point where I was so desperate to relieve it I started to experiment with drugs.
"Most people have no idea just how debilitating and painful depression is. It's much worse than just feeling down, it's mental anguish.
"You can't describe it with words, and it robs you of so much. It has so many devastating symptoms.
"I started using cocaine thinking it was the answer, and for the first time in a long time I wasn't depressed.
"So I continued to use cocaine and then ecstasy, not realising how destructive it was until later on.
"I began to use more cocaine and got caught up in the party scene over two or three years.
"It's only because of my relationship with Jesus, and God's unconditional love and acceptance of me in Christ, that I'm still here today - and I don't say that lightly.
(Rest of article)
What an amazing testimony, there is a lot more he says, and it is well worth a read, particularly if you are dealing with people and issues revolving around depression.
It makes me think also, how many parallels are there with Gary's story and Ben Cousins.
Pre worship countdown to go with my new series...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 {2 comments}
Love this song....
Buy one laptop, get one for someone in need
Since November 12th, OLPC has been offering a limited-time Give One Get One program in the United States and Canada. During Give One Get One, you can donate the revolutionary XO laptop to a child in a developing nation, and also receive one for the child in your life in recognition of your contribution. Thanks to a growing interest in the program, we are extending Give One Get One until the end of the year. Through this extension, and the increasing public interest in OLPC, we hope to give many more children the opportunity to grow, explore, learn and express themselves.
If you are in the US or Canada, get your child one of these for Christmas, and at the same time, get one for someone who really needs one. THIS IS A WONDERFUL INTIATIVE
Onya Chris
Monday, November 26, 2007 {0 comments}
Rest in peace Matt Price
Sunday, November 25, 2007 {0 comments}
Meat, glorious meat...
I'm praying for Rudd
Saturday, November 24, 2007 {2 comments}
Kevin has won the election. Now its time to pray for him and his team.
1 Timothy 2
1 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. 5 For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. 6 He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time. 7 And I have been chosen as a preacher and apostle to teach the Gentiles this message about faith and truth. I’m not exaggerating—just telling the truth.
I pray that he makes godly decisions, wise moves, and leads our country with grace and peace.
Weegirls pick up team store sales clerk
The Eagles have suprised us all in picking up their team store sales clerk as their first pick in the AFL draft at pick 3. Chris Mastern has described it as a dream come true. Lets hope it does not turn into a night mare for the young man as he enters the culture of the troubled club.
Thursday, November 22, 2007 {0 comments}
Off to vote at my local PS on Saturday.
While eating some soft boiled eggs, and pondering the shape of them compared with Mr Howard's head,
I have been watching our PM on the "Press Club"....
He is the archetypal performer on camera and answering questons....
Brilliant, quick on his feet......a lot of laughter as well.
(No matter what your view on him is)
Why cant we be friends....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 {1 comments}
For church this Sunday.....Q speaking....should be fun!
Singing in church
Had a interestiong conversation with a bloke last week. He is a strong, tough guy. Works in a male dominated environment, rides a motorbike etc etc.
Because of work commitments he can't make church every week, but he made a interesting comment to me. He said I need to come to church and just get involved in the singing. It gives me strength. Strength? This guy could flatten a lot of guys in a bar fight. What strength does he mean? Well he, like a lot of blokes, probably most of us, has struggles in the 'relationship' area of his life. He does not have a Christian upbringing, in fact he became a Christian in his 20's. But coming to church, singing together, brings some tangible strength to him which he does not find anywhere else.
"It is the voice of the church that is heard in singing together. It is not you who sings, it is the church that is singing, and you as a member of the church may share in its song." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Worship in singing does transform the world, if it provides us with energy, renewal and purpose for the week, or in some cases the month ahead.
Sunday afternoon mind dump
Sunday, November 18, 2007 {0 comments}
Great Sunday at church, Eliot preached a good message, challenging, on being a friend. He said one thing about friendship that really struck me...Good friendships will be eternal friendships. A mutual friend died a few years ago, but when we see him again, we will experience what it means to have eternal friendships....
These are the type of friends I want.......honesty, frankness, truth spoken in love.
Church was great...had coffee mid-service....which is always good.
Beautiful Sunday afternoon, just made myself another Fiori coffee....beautiful.
Australia kicking Sri Lanka's butt again in the cricket.....
Who will win Australian Idol? Tonight we see the performances of the two possibilities....I like Natalie....despite what some think, I dont think she is boring at all.
Its an Iced Coffee kind of day
Saturday, November 17, 2007 {1 comments}
Warm day, big Saturday paper, children either in bed or playing at friends.....
Time, opportunity, motive.... to make myself a nice long iced coffee.
Some lovely 5 Senses 24/7 beans, long shot of expresso, add some cold full cream Harvey Fresh milk and some icecream....all blended together.....
Nice Saturday afternoon.
(ps add in watching Glichrist hammer the Sri Lankans.....perfect)
Just do what God has asked you to do....
Friday, November 16, 2007 {0 comments}
Something Borden said keeps resounding in my ears.....
As soon as a church gets its focus off mission, it becomes self focused. This means it starts focussing on its own problems.
I wonder if we do this in a general sense, as well as a specific sense. I wonder if we focus on negatives we see in others, maybe even other churches, when our focus gets off mission.....
Fiori Coffee
Thursday, November 15, 2007 {0 comments}
We now use Five Senses coffee exclusively at church, which means I often drink it when in the office at work, its a beautiful fresh product. Nonetheless I felt the need for a change when buying some for home. I picked up some Fiori Coffee from Fresh Provisions. It is sourced from Honduras, and I have had it before. I love buying anything from my Sponsor child's country.
The roaster seems to have a good relationship with his growers, and as far as I can tell is giving them a fair price. You can read about it here, . Certainly it is a single blend coffee, and has not been sitting in a warehouse gathering mould somewhere.
It is a rich 'oily' bean, and the grinder needs work hard to get it to the right texture. The coffee has a lovely chocolately aroma, warm, good smells.
We are so blessed with the people we have as team leaders at our church....I am so blessed to be working with a group of people who just do ministry...they want to do it themself, there is a maturity there which often makes me feel proud...proud they are in my church.
To hear stories of how they are reaching for and caring for people, such initiative and love being shown....thanks God.
Erwin on Spiritual warfare
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 {1 comments}
Spewing I missed Erwin at the Riverview Pastors gig on Friday....was getting ready for church camp, and also was helping run Toddler Jam. He is a great speaker. Here is an line that sticks....'our conversations with God have tangible effects in the spiritual realm, which affects the physical realm"...
Quaffable Quote Stetzer
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 {0 comments}
As different people debate which style of church is getting it right....this helps me stay focused.
Ed Stetzer say recently that "each church must make a decision - either for their traditions or for the children." He added that Stetzer said most would chose tradition....
One of the dear folk at Bedford told me this week to make sure I looked after my children first....thanks so much.......they are my first priority over church, but....
I want our church to be a place my kids grow up in, and that they grow to love the church...that is my aim.
Roo Countdown theme: friends
Here is a countdown video I made up for Sunday morning, used Toby Mac and Roo from 'Winnie the poo'....hows that for juxtoposition?? :)
Tired, happy, hot
Monday, November 12, 2007 {2 comments}
We had a great Refresh camp at Bedford....I can reccomend Lake Leschenaultia on a hot day....and I can reccomend my wifes cooking.
There is a mantra that what happened at camp, stays at camp...but one good friend in particular...during the singing bee we had on Saturday.....was exceptionally good, he can sing, dance and 'make the moves'....I laughed and laughed...he knows who he is...pity 'goggles' was not there to see it!! :)
The service on Sunday was really good, with some guest musicians who added to our own great team...and we had a time which touched some folk, which was great.
It took me far too long to put up my new tent, and I recieved an absolute ribbing about it on Saturday night....curse the video camera and video editor.....
Kids had a great time, nice to be out in the bush....nice to spend time with good friends, and church family.
Girls and self esteem
Thursday, November 08, 2007 {1 comments}
If you have not caught this yet, it would be a great conversation starter. As a father of a daughter, this stuff is scary.....I believe that dads are the primary source of a young girls self esteem, how she feels about herself. So many wrestle with issues of self worth, from a young age.....and reality is that this is compounded by societal and cultural expectations.
Pastor Mark Randall has a blog
Wednesday, November 07, 2007 {1 comments}
Well he is not really a pastor anymore, but that is how I will always think of him.
He was (and presumably still is) a great preacher, a great leader, and someone who inspired me with his stories of the life of Christ. He was my first real pastor after I became a Christian when I was 18 and living in Albany......I remember getting the tapes of a sermon series he did once on Jesus, and how Jane Ewers-Verge stirred me up about it....but I listened to them.
Life does not always turn out the way you think it might, but I remember Mark with fondness and joy, and whatever else happened, his pastoring inspired me.
Anyways, he has a blog, funny how the internet helps you catch up with people you probably never would have.
Join the dots
Could it be true?
Demetriou has called in the big guns to evaluate the Weegirls..
Ex supreme court judge to review Eagles
De-registration is the best option, Andrew knows he needs to reduce the AFL to 15 teams so that this can happen
AFL to have Gold Coast Franchise
The answer in my view is probably no. So therefore my comments were ill timed, and insensitive. A couple of people have mentioned we need to be like Jobs friend who just listened, point taken......
Suicide is never the answer, even if it feels that way. But this does not mean that there are not reasons or circumstances that might lead someone to do that, and these reasons might be understandable. The problem is that often those who do commit suicide, just do it, and help, love, compassion, advice, even strong words, are not able to be given.
I feel sorry for those who have to deal with people and families that go through this tradgedy, and have to suffer the grief and pain when someone chooses to end their life.
One more thing, which I feel needs to be said. There are many others with agendas, against pastors, and with little understanding of what a pastor goes through. They make many presumptions, do not display love, responsibility or accountability. Life is too short to listen to them. I have done that in the past, to my detriment, I am trying to ignore them more now, its not easy, I still care too much what people who don't care about me, think of me.
Nothing is ideal
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 {1 comments}
Nothing and no ideal.
All have fallen short, especially me.
Why did Jesus say, "let him who is without sin cast the first stone"
What did He write on the sand?
And what did He mean when He said, "go and sin no more"...and why did He feel the need to say that?
How do we, as Christians, rightly divide the truth, stand up for what is right, without being judgmental, self righteous, arrogant or liberal, spineless, lacking integrity and consistency in our faith?
Well yes...tell us something we dont know....
Monday, November 05, 2007 {4 comments}
"And do not think that it will stop there. The West Coast administration has overseen a culture of drug abuse within its team for years. Officials admit it now.
It appears the club put success ahead of rigorous values.
Daniel Kerr, Chad Fletcher, Michael Gardiner, Daniel Chick, Beau Waters, Quinten Lynch, Michael Braun. They have not been saints.
It is believed the West Coast administration was told Cousins had issues with drugs when he was just 18. Fine, but Benny is a very good player. Very good players observe different rules.
The AFL has threatened to punish West Coast. It must do more than that and it will. And West Coast must make the men in charge of the club during the Cousins era accountable, too."
Now why did this not appear in the West Australian? Oh, thats right, we dont say negative things about the weegirls in this state...
Funeral Today
I am conducting a funeral today for a great old bloke.
Stan Gilchrist came to our church after Bayswater Baptist closed down. A number of folk from that church came across, but they had lost something which another church could not replace. None the less, Stan and Eileen enjoyed our church, and I enjoyed their elderly wisdom.
Stan and Eileen were married for 72 years, and lived in the same house in Bayswater for 71 years. They had the most beautiful back garden, a rambling place of nooks and crannies.
Its a sad day to say goodbye, but also a celebration of life and Gods grace.
Friday blues
Friday, November 02, 2007 {0 comments}
Most people love Fridays.,..woo hoo weekend! Thats how I feel on Sunday night.....
Today is spent tidying up things, praying, getting ready for Sunday....
Should be a great day on Sunday...kicking off our new series on Friendship...looking forward to speaking....have a suprise for you all at the end of the service as well.
Level 42
Thursday, November 01, 2007 {0 comments}
Brings back some great memories...Balcatta Rollerdrome.....Late nite tv.....wagging 8th period at scabs and enjoying Friday pool day at a mates....
Who said this?
"“We have just pounded the drum again and again that, for churches to reach their full redemptive potential, they have to do more than hold services — they have to try to transform their communities,” he said. “If there is racial injustice in your community, you have to speak to that. If there is educational injustice, you have to do something there. If the poor are being neglected by the government or being oppressed in some way, then you have to stand up for the poor.”
I'lll give you a clue...he formed and leads what has possibly been the most influential church movement of our time.