Thursday, January 31, 2008 {0 comments}
Australia day apologies
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 {0 comments}
As we watched the Australia Day fireworks, my son asked me why we needed to say sorry to the Indigenous people for something we did not do (he is 6 years old). I explained to him that if his sister hurt her finger, even if he did not do it, he should tell her he is sorry it happened. I understand that this issue is much deeper than this, and goes to generational responsibility... and I am personally sorry for what has happened. But I hope this explanation in someway helped him to understand.
I wonder if its possible that with true reconcilition, it could actually become a day we could all celebrate together....maybe it could be the day that our government chose to issue an apology in 2009, thus redeeming what is a bad annual reminder for the original people into a day all Australians can celebrate together?
Youth Group
Ever since I have been at Bedford, we have not really had a youth group.
There was a strong young adults group, which I was originally called to lead.
Now we are seeing some great young people growing up in the church, and others coming along as well.
We have some wonderful leaders who have taken on the responsibility for leading this. Its not so hard getting volunteers, its hard to get key leaders, especially quality people. Thanks God! This is a very exciting development for me personally.....cant really explain why, but it is wonderful.
This past Christmas some of the young people took on the responsibility for the Christmas Eve drama, and apart from some sound issues, did a great job. It is really wonderful to see this happening.
Star Eagles recruit proves he has joined in the culture
Sunday, January 27, 2008 {2 comments}
Star Eagles recruit Chris Masten has been charged with disorderly conduct and issued a move on notice. Police allege that the punched a man with such force that he fell to the ground. He was not permitted to stay at the Fireworks display. His behaviour appeared to be a relatively isolated incident in an otherwise well behaved crowd. Some observers suggest that he should see the West Coast Eagles Chaplain for counselling.
Life Uncommon
Saturday, January 26, 2008 {0 comments}
Here is a video I made up using Jewels song, and some images and is a beautiful moving song, with stirring lyrics.
This video is primarily focused on women.....and I have used it a couple of times at church, and will be kicking off the service this week with it.
Church Conflict
Friday, January 25, 2008 {2 comments}
Things are good at the moment at Bedford in terms of conflict, but as we are dealing with new beginnings in January, we are touching on this passage from Philippians....
2 Now I appeal to Euodia and Syntyche. Please, because you belong to the Lord, settle your disagreement. 3 And I ask you, my true partner,[b] to help these two women, for they worked hard with me in telling others the Good News. They worked along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are written in the Book of Life.
95% of church conflict is not over issues, but personalities. This is no excuse, but is the reason. Paul here calls these two women to get their act together.
The cause of Jesus Christ is too important to let conflict get in its way.
New Data Projectors for Church
Thursday, January 24, 2008 {6 comments}
We have just, after much prayer, planning and paperwork, got out church 2 new Sanyo PLC-XU78 Data projectors. XGA 3,000 Lumens.
Our seniors in particular had noted the deteriating brightness of our present projector, and we need two for when we have bigger crowds in.
The crowd I bought them off are Christians, which is not always good, but they seem to do good deals for churches, for ministry sake. Delivery was good, but of course over Christmas no one seems to be working.
I have just tested them out, and they look good.
My sense is that a church service should be telling a story. Someone said to me once, rather briskly, that Jesus would not have a data projector. I disagree. Jesus was the ultimate story teller. He would have grabbed one to use to tell stories with I reckon.
This is what I want our church to be moving toward. A place where people come and experience truth through story.
Dockers off to Africa
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 {0 comments}
Reading the West today I note the Dockers are off to Africa today.
They will do some community development and play a exhibition game against Carlton.
Wonder if Chris Judd will play? Probably wont see him in Africa...not enough nightlife for him and Twigs.....
Farmhouse Loop
Monday, January 21, 2008 {0 comments}
Here is a loop I have made up for the Angus Buchan Event.
Really looking forward to hearing Angus speak.
Media, Oversaturation, fatherhood...heart breaking stories
What has happened....?
Has their truly been more child abuse than ever before in history?
I don't remember there ever being as many stories as their are now. Australians acting wickedly in Asian countries, local stories, national stories.
Is their truly more, or is it that we are hearing about it more, or has my role as a father made me more sensitive to it?
Either way, sometimes it is too hard to take.....
I was talking to a good friend last night and she was telling me about a metropolitan high school in Perth where allegedly a teenage girl with learning difficulties was sexually assaulted, and the schools response was to hush it up. NO....these sort of things can't be hushed up. By all means, and with all vigour, protect the identity of the victim.....but don't try and sweep the offence, and the offender under the carpet.
The truth must be faced.
Our society has far deeper issues than climate change, oil useage etc...not to downplay those issues, but to say that if we can't get the basics of treating our children with respect and love, then where are we headed as a world anyway?
How does a society which is facing an epedemic of abused children going to live with itself?
Doing all things possible, to reach as many as possible..
Sunday, January 20, 2008 {8 comments}
One church in America, which incidentally has staff member Dan Sutherland (author - Transitioning a Church), is giving out shot glasses to let people know about their church.
The real Corey Story
Thursday, January 17, 2008 {1 comments}
If the story of Corey is not the clearest indication yet of the mixed up values of our society...then what is?
He is worth a laugh though, here is a previously unpublished photo of the real Corey Story...
(Source Warning foul language)
It has arrived, and its a beauty
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 {0 comments}
At Bedford Baptist Church we have been utilising the Blogger system to get the word out, but now with the help of some duct tape, blue tack and one of those LED light thingies, we have managed to put together a fairly useful web site. Its for those of you who are interested in, for whatever reason, what goes on at our Church Community.
Bedford Baptist
Back into it
Drove up to Toodyay Baptist today to help them out with their multi media set up.
They have a great building that they have purchased. A ex factory right on the major street with a auditorium, creche, childrens and youth facilties and plans for a coffee shop.
Great people too. At the moment they are without a pastor, if you are looking for a challenge with a committed group of people, they might be what you are looking for.
Doing some work on our own set up today, and how we are getting the word out. Let you know about it soon.
Vitardis, crystal beaches and donuts
Almost 2 weeks on holidays.........they are never long enough are they.
Few days in Albany with family at Middleton Beach Caravan Park. Beautiful place, pricey, but pool, theatre for kids, ensuite sites for tents, wi-fi (but you have to pay for it). Caught up with my uncle and aunt.....
Then on to Bremer Bay with about 6 other couples and 20 + children.
Number one son caught a ripper of a flathead...beautiful eating.
Lots of swimming and surfing in beautiful crystal water, driving the Vitara along snow white beach.
Donuts at 9.30am and beer at 5pm with the crew that came down from Bedford.
Will post some pictures soon, especially of the 'Vitardis' which carried a fridge, esky, 9 man tent, screen house, mattreses, sleeping gear, food for 12 days, laptop, speakers, card table, picnic table, 4 chairs, rugs, tarps, boogie board, fishing gear, snorkeling gear, towels, books, dvd's, sunscreen gear etc etc.... all with a 1.6 litre motor and the air conditioning on. Lets just say we were in no danger of getting a speeding ticket, not even in the caravan park (!).