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Woosha makes me laugh

Sumich comes out and says, in typical non-descript West Coast style, that Mark Harvey is not showing any respect to the Eagles....that in fact he has no respect for the toast. (and why he respect that bunch of 'win at all cost' arrogant criminals??)

But thats not what is funny. Hearing 'vein in kneck throbbing' Woosha backpedal and deny these comments on channel Eagle and 6pweagle was truly amusing.
Woosha is the master at saying nothing, while talking. Seeing him try to deal with Sumich's sly spray was a lesson in political speak......


Looking for some perspective?
Here is a photo from Nathan's blog....puts things in perspective eh?

"My name is Nathan. My wife, Tricia has Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and had been preparing for a double lung transplant until we discovered we were pregnant.Tricia is the most incredible person I've ever met. She keeps me humble and in love. Gwyneth is our beautiful, new, baby girl, born 15+ weeks early.Tricia is back onto the transplant list, and Gwyneth is on her way out of the NICU and into our hearts.This is our story from my perspective..."

Pray for Zimbabwe

Early reports suggest the opposition parties think they are going to win the election. God, I hope and pray so. I know that no matter what else happens, this poor country has a long way to go to recovery, but getting this evil man out of power, who has destroyed this beautiful country, would be a great start.

"Zimbabwe's main opposition party says it expects to win the country's general election based on unofficial early returns from Saturday's vote.
The secretary-general of the Movement for Democratic Change, Tendai Biti, told a news conference Sunday "we have won this election."

Pray for this man, Morgan Tsvangirai. Here he watches his wife, Susan, right, cast her vote in Harare, 29 Mar 2008.

Great Sunday in church

Sunday after Easter.....expect a little let down, but it did not happen. We had a great time together....but God is doing some things within our church community at the moment.....can't say too much....but seeing Him at work in people's lives.

Sometimes you just want to sit back and not touch it, or change it, in case you mess it up.

Well it could have been a lot worse Fremantle Dockers

Hawthorn are a good side, and with Crawford and others back soon, they will only get better.
They kicked a goal in the first minute of the second, third and fourth quarter....
Grover did really well on Buddy Franklin, but Franklin still played well and had an effective game.
The three new players were exceptional.
Rhys Palmer is a gun player...a dead set gun. Seriously, he will play every game this year if he does not get injured.
Ibbotson was great, one tackle which forced a turnover...well I got up on my feet and cheered.
Chris Mayne....well he has great player written all over him. A number of times tonight he forced just attacking the player and the ball.

Yes it was sad we lost, but what I did like about Freo tonight was that they never gave up.
A second term lead ended up being insurmountable, but you know, up until the last few minutes...they kept coming at the Hawks...a resolve which will hold them in good stead.

Other notable things....
Sandilands is starting to fulfill his potential...played well tonight.
Roger Hayden...who is one of my favourites, was responsible for too many clangers.

Jeff Farmer continued his vein of unselfish play, and went through the midfield a lot tonight.
Bell, Pavlich, J Carr all played well.

And so it begins...

My daughter is almost 4, and cute as a button.

She and I had a game of Winnie the Pooh UNO card game this afternoon while watching the Crows demolish the Weagles during the first half.

My little precious kicked my has began...the slow descent into being upstaged by my children.

On our way

If I needed confirmation, or a reality check that our church is actually going to demolish, subdivide and sell our present land....and move to only God knows where...this sign outside our church at the moment confirms it....

This from Rick Warren helps....

But when you get over yourself, you're not afraid to make mistakes. And that's a good thing. It's good to have some early losses because you learn you're not perfect. Every major decision I have ever made has been made in fear, but I've done it anyway. Courage is not the absence of's doing what you're supposed to do in spite of the fear. (Rick Warren speaking to young leaders)

aah lovely

Don't you love being sick? I hate it
I was looking forward to getting into work on Tuesday, and discussing and thanking God for a great Easter, and all that that entails for us as a church with follow up and such.
But my body had different plans and I was up all night......with bad stomach cramps and other undesirable things...

Doctor says it is not related to appendix, just lucky I guess.....

Easter Sunday Warrior

Thanks God for showing up today, letting us know Your strength.

I got up after the first bracket of songs we sung (band was incredibly good this morning), and something I was not even thinking of saying, it just came out, like a wind that could not be contained.

It went something like this....
In Genesis 3 the prophecy of Jesus is given.
That He would crush the head of the the serpent, and he would bruise His heal.
Jesus did get put it lighty.....
but He also did some serious crushing.....which is the understatement of the season.

Jesus is no namby pamby mummies boy walking around in a white linen coat.
Easter is about this incredible warrior who took everything the evil forces of the world could throw at him....and then stood up and crushed them with his foot.
Thats my Jesus, thats the warrior I follow.

He's pretty scary, pretty dangerous, and I follow Him.

Well its only the first game but....

Some worrying signs for the Dockers today.
Pavlich was out of sorts...and thats okay, but it was compounded by the fact that the team seemed to have an innane need to kick to Pav, even when he was surrounded by three Pie players. We have to learn that with so many good forward players, we dont have to be Pav-centric. In fact as the game was being lost in the middle, Pav went into the centre, and while it was not so much Pav's influence in the middle, so much as players going long to McPharlin which helped us.

In the end there were to many passengers, players who are good, not putting in the required four quarter effort. I thought with the Pies cramping up during the third, we were in with a real chance during the fourth, but it was not to be. The Pies enthusiasm and young energetic players keep the ball down in their half.

Just a word on Mark Johnson.....sigh. I watched him during the practice match and was less than impressed with his effort and speed. Today...sigh. I really hope Harvey does not persist with him at the expense of Palmer, and Warnock.

Great to see Bell, McManus, Hayden and Sandilands play well.

Good Friday at Bedford

We had a 'good' service today.
A reflective time, with space for thinking and meditating.
Jim did an awesome rendition of "There is a Green Hill" with Eliot playing the tune "House of the Rising Sun".....Jim is a senior man, and not in the best of health, but he sung this so well, a real moving moment.

We remembered Jesus together during communion, and I painted the picture of our spiritual heritage...coming as it does from the Israelite people. In particular I spoke about the Last Supper, and how Jesus transformed the Passover into what we now call communion. I bought a big loaf of flat bread, and a bottle of wine....and shared this

Passover is the oldest and most important religious festival in Judaism, commemorating God’s deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and his creation of the Israelite people. This feast was what Jesus and His disciples were celebrating during the last supper.
It was on that fateful night when Judas betrayed Jesus, that after Judas had left the room, Jesus transformed Passover into what we celebrate today, communion.
Communion today is very special as we realize that our spiritual heritage goes right back to the people of Israel, to that time that God rescued his people from slavery….today we celebrate communion on good Friday.
The primary symbol of Passover is the matzo, a flat, unleavened "bread" which recalls the hurriedly-baked bread that the Israelites ate after their hasty departure from Egypt.
The leader would have prepared the bread in three parts….he took the second part of the bread and broke it, saying that it represented the pain and affliction of the people.
When Jesus had the last Passover with his disciples, he took the second piece of bread and said this is my body, broken for you…Jesus took upon Himself the pain and affliction of his people.
Let us take this bread and eat it and remember the pain and affliction Christ took on Himself for us.
(Families help children)
At the Passover there were four cups of wine.
Freedom, Deliverance, Redemption, and Thanksgiving
The third cup represented the redemption of Gods people who would come through the promised Messiah.
It was during the third cup that Jesus held the cup up and said, this is my blood shed for you….He is the Messiah the Israelites were looking for, He is our Messiah, our Saviour…the one we are looking forward to seeing again…which is why we say that we celebrate this until He comes…
(explain grape juice, family friendly, please help your children)

Afterwards my wife had prepared a stack of hot cross buns with was nice to relfect with people afterwards and to remember what this day is all about, the most important day in our Christian calender.

Easter Sunday Message

Here are a couple of snippets from my message I am going to give on Easter Sunday.

The reason we cant, or dont, show the Passion movie in church, particularly when children are in the service, is because it is so graphic in its accurate portayal of what happened to Christ on Good Friday. It was such an awful, injust and dehumanising event to be crucified, and Jesus suffered at the hands of people who hated Him. The Bible says He was scarred, ripped raw, bleeding for our transgressions.
Now the point is, why did He suffer so much? Well the standard Sunday School answer is that He suffered so much because of us, for our sins.
What we have to come to grips with is the fact that the Cross was so awful, because it demonstrates the awfulness of our sin. It demonstrates so clearly that our rebellion against God is something which is truly abhorent. To deny God is the most awful thing....and the awful things which happened to Christ demonstrates this.

(next I speak about Kevin Rudd's apology and how it is a illustration of how Christ, in effect, said sorry to God for us, Christ took responsibility for our sin)

Each one of us is responsible for what we do with God, it is up to us, we have free will, in how we respond to God

Free Easter Videos Download

The above terms have bought about 120 hits to my site today.....
If you want the Good Friday and Easter Sunday Videos I have made, go to my Blip TV site (link on sidebar), go to archives...then click on file you want, go to files, right click on the link. If I could work out how to post the direct link here, I would!

(Edit...please now go to this link where you can now view and download what I have done)

Easter Sunday Video

Here is the video I have made up for Sunday.
I have used a lot of stuff from a video I had, but changed it greatly for my context.

Good Friday Video

Here is a video I have made up for our Good Friday Service. The music and some of the video have come from Reel Worship. You can download their copy there. If you want a good copy of this, go to my BlipTV site (Link on sidebar)

Good Friday Message

Speaking on Friday (God willing) is a couple of quotes from my message....

"Whether it is our parents mortality or our own old age, all of us will one day, die.
Now while I hope all of us are remembered, and have a fitting tribute given to us, I seriously doubt that any of our deaths will receive the same amount of attention as the death of Jesus Christ."
"Sometimes preachers get up and say that God is waiting for you, God wants to be your friend, God wants to offer you grace…..and that is all true…but quite frankly its good that its all true, because you need it. As the soldier stood there and was terrified, full of terror he realized that this guy dying on the cross was the only hope he had….how amazing, unbelievable is that, what a paradox it is. And as all of us head towards our own mortality, head towards death, all of us need God, God does not need us, Jesus does not need us, He created us, He made us, He expects us to follow Him, He is in charge of everything, including death, and we need Him, as you face your own mortality, you need God. "

Footy predictions for 2008

I notice that the Eagles have been given pretty generous odds of $2o to $1 to win the premiership, while the Freo Dockers are favoured by many to finally have a break through year being installed as third favourites at $11 behind Geelong and St Kilda.

My prediction? A Freo verses St Kilda Grand final. With the loss of King and Nathan Ablett, Geelong will still be strong but after the incredible celebration of last year (justified) I suspect they may drop off in intensity this year.

The Saints have got a decent coach, who seems to have worked out how they play best, and with 'no kneck thug' Gherig back at FF, and Dal Santo in the midfield, they look pretty good. They also have at least one sniper in the pack and no one on the team wants to see their captain cry again, so they have the motivation.

I do think Freo can do it this year, but as always, it depends on them. Hasleby was a big loss, and with him, I would be more confident. But I think many people forget we were without Michael Johnson for the first four games last year, Farmer for half the season and the tallest ruckman in the league for much of the last half of the season with groin issues.

We have the best centre half forward (better than Brown who is injury prone and not as flexible), three great ruckman, a excellent back line including the best back pocket player (Hayden) and the most underated back player (Grover). With the addition of Schammer who missed most of last year and has been in great form during the pre season, Black, who missed a lot of the year and Des Hedland looking like he might start to fulfill his potential, it is possible.

Some other predictions....

1. Wallace will get the lemon and sarse by round 20 and Richmond will win the most unwanted spoon in the AFL

2. Worsfold will continue to say nothing to the media, while being fawned over by channel 6peagle

3. North Melbourne will continue to suprise us, but will again fall short, you need money in this game to get that extra 5%

4. The AFL will declare that Eagles are on their last chance for the 23rd time

5. Brisbane and Hawthorn will challenge for the top four

6. If he can stay away from taxi aerials and horse chaff....Daniel Kerr will win the Brownlow

7. Farmer will have his best year ever, kicking 50 goals and prove to the footy world what every Freo fan knows, he is the ultimate team player. (To those who know he kicked more goals during one stellar year at Melbourne, this will be his best year as a team player)

8. Rhys Palmer will win the rising star award.

9. Pavlich will win the Coleman

Quaffable Quote from Seth - Persistence

Persistence isn't using the same tactics over and over.
That's just annoying.
Persistence is having the same goal over and over.

The goal or vision stays the same, but the church needs to modify or completely change its way of achieving it. Thats if what it is doing stops working. This applies to all models of church, no matter how new or old they are. I think some very traditional churches are achieving their mission, and some new ones are not, so its not about what you do...its what you achieve.
What is our goal, what is our vision?

One way to lose weight...and then put it on again

Regular readers of this blog might remember severe abdominal pains which I suffered over 12 months ago which meant a forced stay in
RP Hospital for 3 or 4 days. They never really did know the cause at the time.
Well yesterday was the culmination of this particular journey when I had my appendix removed.
Apparently it was pretty inflamed and in my surgeons words, "definitely the cause of the pain". This was a real suprise to me because the last month has been pretty pain free.......The past two days has not been. It the moment I am sitting comfortably with my laptop, but if I stand up, or need to go to the you know hurts.
I asked my doctor pre-op if I could play volleyball this coming Monday night, he laughed, and I can tell why.
But he has told me that my recovery has gone really well, despite the appendix being a 'difficult one to extract'........

Can't complain though, the food at St John of God's Murdoch was pretty filling, and any weight I lost through having my appendix removed, has been put back on!!!

Free Treffly Coyne

If you have not caught this yet, here is the summary.

Treffly Coyne is a mother from Chicago who ducked out of her car for a few minutes to donate $8.29 to a Salvation Army kettle. She was no more than 10 yards away from her sleeping 2 year old daughter. She locked and alarmed the car, and even put on the emergency lights.

A security office stepped in, the police were called, and on advice from her husband, Treffly did not disclose any information to the police.

Coyne asserts that the community service officer launched into a tirade and refused to listen to her explanation of events. The even has sparked a blogging debate with onliners divided over Treffly's actions.
Has anyone else reading this ever left their 2 or 3 year old in the car while you duck in to pay for your petrol? I have......

Two blokes who were afraid

Reading through the last few verses of John 19 today. In it the writer tells the story of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus.
Joseph is described as a 'secret' disciple of Jesus. He feared the Jewish leaders, yet knew Jesus was the Messiah.

Nicodemus was the man who had come to Jesus at night and came to the realisation that he needed to be born again.

How interesting that while Jesus was alive, both these men believed in Him, yet did not have the courage to come out and say it.
Now, at this point in the story, that Jesus is dead, both these fearful blokes come and take the body, sacrificing their money, time and risking the wrath of both the Jewish leaders and Roman ones, and ensure Jesus has a good and proper burial.

Maybe this was their 'chronos' moment. By that I mean the time when they were destined to serve Jesus. For much of their life they had been afraid to do so, now when things are at their bleakest, these two men act courageously and mercifully, perhaps even hopefully.

This is an an encouragement to anyone who has ever been fearful of standing up for what is right and good, your in good company. Maybe your 'chronos' time is yet to come, the time destined for you when God will have something for you to do, and you will do it.

Cows, meat, mmmmm

Watching on old episode of friends tonight.
The one where Phoebe is pregnant and craving meat.
Joey, being the good guy he is, tries to salve her vegetarian conscience by saying that he will decrease his normal intake of meat to offset her taking it up.

If there is anyone out there who needs me to eat less vegetables, to salve their conscience about upset brussel sprouts or screaming carrots, let me know.

If anyone wants to know why my six year old son keeps asking me for more hungarian salami....well the tree does not fall far from the apple tree!!

If anyone out there wants me to give up meat.....naaaah.

Hat tip picture

Homer Simpson The Typical Male

Last night we had our MUD event, Men Under Duress.

We went to the local Cue Club, had a ale and played some pool. Actually only two of us played pool. The rest of the crew came to get out of the house and spend some time with some mates.

In a unusual twist (thats what happens when you combine two excellent lattes and beer) I was thinking about an episode of the Simpsons when Homer went to Vegas with Ned Flanders. Now why would Homer go anywhere, particular Vegas, with Ned? Ned is his nerdy Christian next door neighbour. Dont worry, I am not going to try and say a Christian is the only person that can be a real friend to someone.

What I am going to say is that Homer is typical of many 40ish males in that he has no real mates. Some blokes do, they have friends that have always been their friends, that were their best mate, that they can turn to when things go to 'mud' in their life.

Homer is 'sort of' friends with Lenny and Carl....but Lenny and Carl seem to be the real mates, Homer is a third wheel. He is 'friends' with Moe, the barman, but that is a symbiotic relationship, Moe supplies Homer's third place, and beer to numb the pain, Homer supplies Moe with money.

So the only real friend he has is his wife....and that is typical of many males his age. So when wants to go to Vegas, he goes with Ned....and that is in conflict with the overall story of the Simpsons, because Ned is a nerdy Christian.

I wonder how many men there are in Homer's situation, many I reckon. What I am going to say next could be taken the wrong way....but men need more than their wife.

Our wife should be our best friend, but we need best mates as well.

Great games in Fremantle's History - Fitzroy's Last Game

My father was a huge Perth Demons fan, maybe their success in the late 70's attracted him. It was a passion he rediscovered in the last years of his life, and he could often be found on a Saturday afternoon watching the Demons being beaten convincingly by some better resourced WAFL side. I followed his lead momentarily as a 8 year old, until the lure of the South Fremantle Bulldogs and the exploits of Stephen Michael grabbed my attention. I don't think you choose a team, I think a team chooses you.

How would you feel if your team was taken from you? This is the emotions that the thousands of Fitzroy fans felt on September 1, 1996.

Full Points describes it thus, "On Sunday 1 September 1996 a group of players representing the Fitzroy Football Club took the field for the last time. The fact that the venue for the match was Subiaco Oval in Perth was both significant and, in a perverse way, appropriate ; the Australian Football League, which, within the space of a mere decade, had moved from being a suburban to a national competition, had no further use for financially non-viable propositions like Fitzroy. "

This game was against the new kid on the block, Fremantle, who within a few years would establish themself as a financial powerhouse, having the fastest growing membership of any side. They are now an incredibly well supported club having full corporate sponsorship, thanks in no small part to the man crdited with their financial revival, club CEO, Cameron Schwab.

The game itself was a pretty one sided affair, with Fitzroy losing, despite winning the last quarter by 2 points. The game was held on September 1, 1996, at Subiaco Oval. Fitzroy lost by 86 points and the final scores were Fitzroy 10.11 71 v Fremantle 24.13 157
What was significant, in my mind at least, was the respect shown by the Fremantle Football Club. They put on a presentation both before and after the game and due respect was shown to the once proud club. Many Fitroy supporters travelled across the Nullaboar for the game, and they were vocal in their appreciation of the acknowledgment given.

Dale Kickett played for Fremantle that day, which is significant as he had also played for Fitzroy.

God wants you to be blessed

But He is not as concerned about your happiness.
This is the Urban Legend I am dealing with this Sunday....
Here is a snippet....

The Christian urban legend we are going to deal with this morning is that God wants you to be happy, and this is personal for me because our Church slogan is enjoy the good life. But enjoyment is quite different to happiness.

Happiness is a fleeting moment, joy is something that can be enjoyed despite the circumstances we find ourselves in. Paul writes in Philippians chapter 4, rejoice, again I say rejoice, all the time. Happiness is a fleeting feeling based on an experience or set of circumstances. Happiness comes about when you win lotto, or you are eating a nice slice of pizza, that’s fleeting pleasure which your body pays for at a latter stage, right….joy, enjoyment is something quite different.

West Coast Eagles Jokes

In preparation for round 3....

What are the first five words a West Coast player in a three piece tailored suit hears?
"Will the defendant please rise"

Comfort zones

Everytime I think about what our church is doing, really doing, I think....goodness we are out of our comfort zone.
For a church our size, we are doing far more than what could be expected, what is 'normal'.
Two full time pastors, one part time childrens worker.
Very succesful outreach programs......more starting in 2nd term.

Don't get me wrong, its not me thats doing this....its our people.
They are giving, serving, involved and motivated......such good people.
While some come and go, as is to be expected, I am just aware of the journey we have begun as a church together. I wonder who we will be ministering with at the end?

This year we may very well have no building, no temporary facilities, and nowhere to go permanently.

It is a massive task we are taking on. As the real decision time comes closer, it is more than a little daunting. We are going to have to grab far more than you could expect, and work like crazy...

But do I want a boring safe life? No....never have.
In the next few will be far from that.

Labour Day is Labour what? I was talking to my wife today about what today means. Maybe the government should put a explanation in the paper or something. After doing some research, because I think its important to know why we are having a public holiday, the succint answer came from Wikipedia.

"Labour Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over the
world that resulted from efforts of the labour union movement, to
celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers.

The celebration of Labour Day has its origins in the eight hour day movement,
which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight
hours for rest. On 21 April 1856 Stonemasons and building
workers on building sites around Melbourne, Australia, stopped work and
marched from the University of Melbourne to Parliament House to achieve an eight
hour day. Their direct action protest was a success, and they are noted as the
first organized workers in the world to achieve an eight hour day with no loss
of pay, which subsequently inspired the celebration of Labour Day and by May Day."
So there you go, relax today in peace....

Cheese deliverer or giant killer

Do you want to be known as a cheese deliverer or a giant killer.

This is the title of the brief talk I am going to give Sunday night at our FYG (Friday Youth Group) camp.......

Great Games in Fremantle Dockers History - Shane's 200th

The media is prone to exageration when it comes to monikers given to players. Some young pup who works at the team store is called, "a star player in the making". A curly headed player who has been in the game for just over 12 months is nicknamed, "Mr Football".

There is one player who scarcely rated a mention in the dispatches of most media outlets, and deliberately kept away from any attention. His preferred hair colour is brown, and most of the players on his team were a little startled when they heard him speak, a little bit like a dog that you didn't think could bark, and suddenly it growls at you.

However he played 238 games for the one club, defeated players twice his size, and was rarely disgraced, in a side that was often beaten. His preferred position was full back, but towards the end of his career he played on various opponents in the back line. In an team with more options, Parker would have been a small defender. His task would have been to chase after forwards or even mid-sized attackers in the opposition; to run the ball out of defence and get it to those who kick goals from time to time. But Fremantle did not have that luxury, and Shane was up against the best forwards for most of his career. He was a great defender, but part of Freo folklore is the frustration fans felt when Shane was given the kicking out duties, something which it has to be said was at best, frustrating to watch.

For his entire career he only kicked 11 goals, but the tenth one was a beauty. It came in round 16, 2005 when his opponent was Brendan Fevola, a player the media like to dub a 'star player'. Fremantle were playing Carlton at the MCG on a sunny day. Brendad was playing full forward and Shane Parker full back You would expect the full forward to outscore the fullback, right? Well not in the nexus that is Fremantle. On this day, when Fremantle defeated the Blues by 35 points, Fremantle's full back outscored his much fancied opponent, all because of one beautiful running goal, when everything came together for the man those who admired him dubbed, "The Twig of Integrity".