Hillsong Church is doing something about the worlds poor.
The amount of resources, people and prayer they are putting into poverty is incredible. They are uniquely positioned to do something significant about those who Jesus loves just as much, if not more than, white middle class Christians. One of the major themese of the 2008 conference was justice, and Tim Costello kicked off the conference with an excellent message about extending the Kingdom of God to include those who go without the basics.
The Iheart revolution is something which has been birthed in the youth of the church, and resourced by the whole church. The trailer had me in tears and determined to do what I can to play my part. I cant do it all, I cant even do much, but I can do what I can do. My family supports a Compassion child, and I am determined to mobilise our church even more into this area as we continue to grow and reach out to those not only in need of Christ, but also in need of the basics.
I encourage you to check out the IHeart revolution website.
It’s March
Ok so summer is over, but that’s not what I mean. March is the month Sam
died in last year so that means we are almost a full calendar year from his
1 week ago
3:28 pm
Thanks for sharing these thoughts Mark, and about Hillsong and it's Iheart revolution I am greatly impressed!!!
5:47 pm
that page looks more like an ad for products?
6:01 pm
They are selling some products, but the main thrust is what they are doing...I would encourage you to go explore....
11:56 am
Okay, I've watched the trailer and looked at the website.
What do they do?
It seems it's just about buying a CD and watching a DVD and getting me hyped about saving the poor.
I don't get it. There must be something else I'm missing?
12:31 pm
My perception is that they are bringing together a collarborative effort...and learning as they go what they are doing, and going to do.
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