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Rick Warren brings Obama and Mc Cain together

This is interesting.

Rick Warren has got the two candidates for the US to appear together on stage at a forum he is holding at Saddleback Church.

"Mr. Warren, the author of the best-selling book “The Purpose-Driven Life,” said he had called each man personally to invite him to his event, which will focus on how they make decisions and on some of Mr. Warren’s main areas of focus, like AIDS, poverty and the environment"

Personally I don't have a problem with Warren doing this, but I would not have any political candidates appearing at a service. But hosting them both at a forum? Not so clear cut.



7:12 am

Sounds like what the Australian Christian Lobby did with Howard and Rudd prior to the last election - I think it's a good idea - giving people of faith a chance to listen to how both sides of the political divide respond to their "hot button" isues. Much better than telling Christians how to vote which it seems many pastors in America did prior to the last election!



  Mark (under construction)

3:55 pm

Yeah - I reckon it's a GREAT idea as well. Shows you the standing Rick Warren has - to get these two men on his platform.

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