Not looking forward particularly to this Sunday arvo.
The Bulldogs might just give us a touch up at the dome, despite the absence of Robert Murphy, who is out for the season. Perhaps more importantly, Steve Butler, from the West, and renowned Freo basher, has tipped us to win. Thats a sure sign things are not going to go well for us.
The TAB have West Toast installed at $1.03 to beat the Carlton Blues. That is the lowest price in modern AFL history. So sure are the West Coast fans of winning that my West Coast loving brother in law tried to get tickets. He wont even watch the game until he knows the West Toast have won!!
Could be a sad sad trip to the deli for the paper Monday morning.
Pavlich will be captain this week in Bell's absence. On the small Telstra Dome lets hope he kicks a bag and drags us over the line.
Blue Letter Bible
I wonder what impact it has had on our way of thinking that in many Bibles
the words of Jesus are printed in red? The implication seems to be that
they are...
2 days ago
8:40 pm
i don't like mondays :^(
well another comeback win for the wiggles when i thought the blues might have touched them up.
its just another confirmation that no judd, still wce can still win. 2nd time fluke - hmmmm - don't think so, darn it!
medders tried hard however should have passed to a team-mate instead of being a goal hog and missing.
11:09 am
Not that happy this Monday, and it could have been so different.
West Coast proved how flaky they are, dont forget they almost lost to Carlton, and let the Blues get out to a 45 point lead.
We were robbed by three stupid umpire decisions, and some bad luck to Medhurst. If he had of kicked straight, he would have been proclaimed the hero. He worked very hard yesterday.
It could be worse, we could be bandwagon hopping weagles supporters.
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