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2gether Pastors Conference 2008

Great day at conference today.
We were led in a time of visiting 'stations' repentance, communion, healing, prayer.....
not everyones cup of tea...but I enjoyed it...and so did most of the people there.

Tim Hanna brought a great message.....

Tim Hanna Tuesday Session
Culture of healthy relationships
Don't tolerate unhealthy relationships
Build community
Unresolved sin destroys relationships
If they remain unresolved
Are we okay?

Passion Encouragement Development
Apathy = No passion Passion with action changes the world
Easier to restrain a maniac than revive a corpse

Define your church by what your stand for

Establish a Taboo free church
Declare what you won't change, helps you change other things

Promotion of Empowered Leadership
Accountability & Authority
Empower people to be the best they can be

Develop Effective Teams
Character Competance Chemistry

Team Covenants How we operate as a team

Best Team Worst Team Ideal Team
What do I need to be my best leader?

Team Covenants


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