I started at Bedford Baptist Church over 17 years ago now, coming on as Associate Pastor, and then with the leaving of Pastor Joe Westlake, the Senior.
I am the longest serving pastor at this church by a decade.
The longest serving pastor was Pastor Westlake, who was there for about 6-7 years.
Average stay was just 18 months.
Now...the actual church building is being dismantled as we look to our future, building a performing arts theatre...for emerging and young artists.
We are looking for property as the old property is divided up into lots to sell.
Some grief and joy as the property comes down.
Blue Letter Bible
I wonder what impact it has had on our way of thinking that in many Bibles
the words of Jesus are printed in red? The implication seems to be that
they are...
2 days ago
12:07 pm
Painful, yes, but significant. As the old passes may God lead you strongly into the next phase of his vision for Inglewood!
4:57 pm
Hi Mark, a significant step indeed. All will go well with this important phase in the Church. Well done on managing this far. We plan to be back in 2011 so as not to miss all the action.
5:16 pm
Wow - great leap forward Mark
Amazing to think that believers sacrificially prayed, dreamed, gave & worked to make that place a reality & now you're doing the same in creating a new future
PS Tell me you are keeping at least one block/house for an ongoing income stream???
8:26 pm
Well done Mark
the key to what you said was 17 years !!
the people will trust some one with their future if they know you are there for the long haul.
you hae their best interests at heart
hang in there Mark !!
9:24 pm
Better you dismantle it than it dismantle you! Congratulations on a long, outward-focused pastorate, Mark. I remember my visit to the old church fondly. ~ John Kaiser
8:03 am
Sounds like an exciting step into a great future!
3:19 pm
Wow! Well done on hanging in there for the long haul.
A sad moment for many, no doubt, but necessary as you look to the future.
Did you used to live next-door to the church building?
4:18 pm
No, never lived in a manse Sarah ...but Q our childrens pastor did for a little while.
and previous to that, like about 30 years ago, the pastors did. In fact it was called 'Dinsdale House' after one of the first pastors lived in it.
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