We experienced a really great sense of God's Spirit in Church this morning. Although there was not a full house of people, I sensed a real hunger to hear from God. It was evidenced in the outward display of worship and enjoyment of things that were being said and done.
I prepared a multi-media presentation (video) using Colin Battersby's rendition of "It is well". I did up this video for the Pastors Conference and it told the story of Horatio Spafford. Horatio endured a lot of tradgedy in his life including the loss of his business but far more tragically first the death of his son, then at a later point the death of his three daughters in a shipwreck. His wife survived. On his way to visit her he wrote the well known hymn, "It is well".
We said a sad goodby to some friends who are moving to NZ, but also said 'thank God" when some other friends declared God was not calling them to move to QLD, as they previously thought He might be.
Dr Laurence Spencer, the Baptist Union President then brought a word from God which he believed was specifically for our church. The challenge was to take seriously Jesus' call that, "they will know you are Christians by your love". He was really well recieved. I think some of that was to do with the combination of a older guy who was a expressive worshipper, wise words and non judgemental challenge. He was sensitive to Gods leading, and interacted really well with our people. The sort of older and wiser guy you would love to have in your church actually!
Blue Letter Bible
I wonder what impact it has had on our way of thinking that in many Bibles
the words of Jesus are printed in red? The implication seems to be that
they are...
2 days ago
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