Where Was Jesus?
This week I attended a ‘Solace’ service at Riverview church, where Ellie
attends, a reflective space to acknowledge that for some of us Christmas
will be a...
Reminders from Philippians
Today for my devotions I looked back over the things I had been reminded
about from Philippians. There was a few things that were quickened to me
again. Pa...
Allen C. Paul – Faithful Creativity
In this week’s episode of Bleeding Daylight, I welcome Allen C. Paul, a
seasoned musician, author, and advocate for Christian creatives, to discuss
the int...
Forgive and Live
This life is like mountains to climb. Not one mountain, but several
mountains. A plethora of mountains over the lifespan. Look at that
scenario and it...
2019: The Grieved Bystander
I’ve popped in to type a rare blog post as the final hours of 2019 ebb away.
This year has been hard. While nothing absolutely terrible has happened to
Changes to Mark Conner's BLOG
Hi everyone (including subscribers), Today I have transferred all of my
BLOG posts (including links, comments, and categories) from Typepad to my
Well done, good and faithful servant
I just received word that the Anderson's beloved friend Lucy has passed
away. Their hearts are broken at their loss. Please pray that God would
provide th...
What Matters?
Funerals for people with no next of kin or inadequate finances are funded
by the government. The funeral company is required to conduct a brief
service of ...
2011 JJJ Hottest 100
Yep, it's the end of the year and therefore time to vote for our favourite
songs of 2011. This year my votes went to:
*Adele - Rolling In The Deep*
Give it a Rest
This post has been brewing for a long time.
*Disclaimer: There is no-one individual in particular that this is aimed
at. If there are any similarities to ...
Tour of the office and sneak peek of my new blog
God bless, Mark Brown http://www.facebook.com/MarkBrown.page
http://twitter.com/RevMarkB If you would like to subscribe to this blog and
receive my reflect...
Google taking on China
We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results
on Google.cn, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the
12:47 pm
now you're makin me smile :)
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