Why on earth would anyone use Big Pond for their phone and/or intenet access?
At Church, we used to use Telstra for both.
We had a fax line which cost us $30 a month for line rental, and which we used maybe once every two months.
We paid $36 a month for dial up intenet
Whenever there was a problem it took literally hours to get an answer
I switched over to AAPT
They gave us a "duet" line for the fax, which costs us $5 a month
I pay $39 a month for Broadband (512k download speed and 12, 00o Mb allowed)
They gave me a free modem and everything I need to set up.
Most impressive of all though is the service. I get through quickly, and everytime the person has been friendly and helpful.
I dont understand why anyone goes with Telstra, they are so expensive and so unhelpful.
Blue Letter Bible
I wonder what impact it has had on our way of thinking that in many Bibles
the words of Jesus are printed in red? The implication seems to be that
they are...
2 days ago
11:41 am
I've wondered why people would use Telstra on many occasions. They are so hideously expensive and offer such sub-standard service.
I think it's just a matter of people not knowing what else is out there. Telstra was the only game in town for such a long time that people think they must be the biggest and best. Unfortunately that's not the case.
We're with iiNet. For the same price that you're paying we have up to 24MB download speed. We can also make untimed 10c VoIP calls anywhere in Australia. When the Tesltra people call us and tell us they can do a great deal we just tell them the deal we're on and they tell us they can't come close to it before hanging up.
11:50 am
I checked out Iinet, and they are good too. There were some other reasons peculiar to our church and situation that meant I went with aapt.
You are so right when you say, people just dont check it out.
7:17 am
We're about to change over. OUr contract with Bigpond just finished so we're going to AAPT.
The fact that we got a bill from Telstra yesterday with $109 in charges for moving house kind of reinforces our belief that Telstra are ripping people off.
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