Today was our second Sunday as a new church. It was a great day. Eliot has got the worship team combinations was as good as last week.
We launched our Kids programs this week, and we had 55 kids present at our kids party.......55 children!!!!!!!!!!
For a church our size, that is extraordinary. I was really challenged at Hillsong when Paul De Jong talked about how he became a Christian when he was 5 years old, and it was a really impacting time for him. He talked about how insecure he was as a kid, but how knowing God caused him to know he had Gods strength with him. He has always felt insecure about himself, but God wanted him to know it was not through his own power...but Gods.
This challenged me that these 55 kids and more are our mission field. A number of them are from non church families....but that is not the point. Just because a kid is raised in a christian home does not guarantee a thing. God is percolating something in my heart about having a conference for primary school aged kids...not the adults or teachers...but the kids. mmmmm.
Blue Letter Bible
I wonder what impact it has had on our way of thinking that in many Bibles
the words of Jesus are printed in red? The implication seems to be that
they are...
2 days ago
5:28 pm
Awesome Mark well done!!
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