I have been copping some ribbing because I am very quick to post stuff about the Weagles, and slow off the mark when it comes to Freo's misdemenours. Fair cop, but I never said I wasn't bias, I am.....and unlike most of the WA (Mark Duffield excepted) I admit it !!!!!!!!!
But anyway, apparently Jeff Farmer has got himself into trouble, and it was really good to see the Fremantle Club act swiftly and decisively in suspending him for 6 weeks. This hurts the team, but shows good leadership on the clubs behalf.
Police prosecutor Sergeant Bob Morgan said "Mr Farmer needs to take on board, with his record accumulating, he may find himself playing in the forward line for Acacia"
Someone over at Dockerland.com has replied,
"He was obviously assuming Kerr and Cousins had the midfield sorted"
Blue Letter Bible
I wonder what impact it has had on our way of thinking that in many Bibles
the words of Jesus are printed in red? The implication seems to be that
they are...
2 days ago
2:08 pm
Hope it works for Farmer. SJ at the Cats returns this week from a club imposed suspension and apparently is fitter, more disciplined for it. Even been carving up the midfield at VFL level, which for a formerly chubby forward with a bad work ethic and dodgy ankles is certainly good news.
3:26 pm
The Cats did the right thing with Stephen.... well done to them
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