Could it be true?
Demetriou has called in the big guns to evaluate the Weegirls..
Ex supreme court judge to review Eagles
De-registration is the best option, Andrew knows he needs to reduce the AFL to 15 teams so that this can happen
AFL to have Gold Coast Franchise
Blue Letter Bible
I wonder what impact it has had on our way of thinking that in many Bibles
the words of Jesus are printed in red? The implication seems to be that
they are...
2 days ago
12:36 pm
nah, they can't de-register the weagles.. we'd get stuck with all those wishy-washy "i just support the WA teams" supporters jumping on the freo bandwagon and that's the last thing we need or want. besides, who'd ever wanna see the end of the western derbies? nope, leave them registered but take the picks they got for juddy off them.
4:22 pm
well....lets just hope they get what they deserve...
hot and bothered after Saturday? Glad to hear you got the better of my weagle supporting brother in law...not that its hard at the moment :)
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